Storing data in variables
The easiest way to store a value in a variable named ‘num’ is by writing the statement num=value.
Here, ‘=’ is called an assignment operator because it assigns a value to the variable. Writing
indicates to the complier that the value ‘10’ should be stored in the ‘num’ variable.
Note: You can use the assignment operator to store a value in a variable you are declaring. For example:
int number=10;
Writing a program to print values in variables
When you run this program, the following output will be displayed on screen:
Observe how the printf() function is used in the program. Doesn’t it look different from the printf() used to print messages ? (See article 2.) You might also be wondering what those strange characters (%d, %f, \n, etc.) are.
The characters %d, %f, and %c are called format specifiers or simply format strings. The ‘%’ symbol alerts the compiler that a variable is to be printed at that location and the letter that follows tells it to print the value as an int, float, char, and so on.
The character ‘\n’ is called a newline character. It is used to insert a new line so that the values in variables mentioned after it are printed on a new line (as shown above). If this character is not used, the output will look as shown below:
This would be difficult to comprehend.
Note: Characters like the ‘\n’ character that start with ‘\’ are called escape sequences.
The following tables gives you a partial list of format strings and escape sequences that you will frequently come across in C programs.
Table 2 Table 3
Sl. No | Data type | Format Specifier |
1. | int | d |
2. | float | f |
3. | char | c |
4. | unsigned int | u |
5. | string | s |
6. | long int | ld |
7. | double | lf |
Sl. No | Escape sequence | Purpose |
1. | \n | Newline |
2. | \t | Tab |
3. | \a | Beep |
4. | \b | Backspace |
5. | \r | Return |
Try it out:
- Write a program to store 10, 12.5, and a character ‘Z’ in integer, float, and character variables respectively and display the values on the screen.
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