Monday, November 12, 2007

Connection Pooling

Reuse of Statements by Pooled Connections

The JDBC 3.0 specification introduces the feature of statement pooling. This feature, which allows an application to reuse a PreparedStatement object in much the same way it can reuse a connection, is made available through a pooled connection. FIGURE 11-2 provides a logical view of how a pool of PreparedStatement objects can be associated with a PooledConnection object. As with the PooledConnection object itself, the PreparedStatement objects can be reused
by multiple logical connections in a transparent manner.

Using a Pooled Statement

If a pooled connection reuses statements, the reuse must be completely transparent to an application. In other words, from the application’s point of view, using a PreparedStatement object that participates in statement pooling is exactly the

data source
Connection Pool
Application Server
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Pool of

same as using one that does not. Statements are kept open for reuse entirely under the covers, so there is no change in application code. If an application closes a PreparedStatement object, it must still call Connection.prepareStatement in order to use it again. The only visible effect of statement pooling is a possible improvement in performance. An application may find out whether a data source supports statement pooling by calling the DatabaseMetaData method supportsStatementPooling. If the return value is true, the application can then choose to use PreparedStatement objects knowing that they are being pooled. In many cases, reusing statements is a significant optimization. This is especially true for complex prepared statements. However, it should also be noted that leaving large numbers of statements open may have an adverse impact on the use of resources.

Closing a Pooled Statement

An application closes a pooled statement exactly the same way it closes a nonpooled statement. Whether it is pooled or not, a statement that has been closed is no longer available for use by the application, and an attempt to reuse it will cause an exception to be thrown.

The following methods can close a pooled statement:

  • Statement.close — called by an application; if the statement is being pooled, closes the logical statement used by the application but does not close the physical statement being pooled
  • Connection.close — called by an application
  • Nonpooled connection — closes the physical connection and all statements created by that connection. This is necessary because the garbage collection mechanism is unable to detect when externally managed resources can be released.
  • Pooled connection — closes the logical connection and the logical statements it returned but leaves open the underlying PooledConnection object and any associated pooled statements
  • PooledConnection.closeAll — called by the connection pool manager to close all of the physical statements being pooled by the PooledConnection object
An application cannot directly close a physical statement that is being pooled; instead, this is done by the connection pool manager. The method PooledConnection.closeAll closes all of the statements open on a given physical connection, which releases the resources associated with those statements.

An application also has no direct control over how statements are pooled. A pool of statements is associated with a PooledConnection object, whose behaviour is determined by the properties of the ConnectionPoolDataSource object that produced it. “ConnectionPoolDataSource Properties” discusses these properties.

ConnectionPoolDataSource Properties

As with the DataSource interface, the JDBC API defines a set of properties that can used to configure the behaviour of connection pools. These are shown in Connection pool configuration properties follow the convention specified for JavaBeans components in the JavaBeans specification. Connection pool vendors may choose to augment this set with implementation-specific properties. If so, the additional properties must be given names that do not conflict with the standard property names.

Standard Connection Pool Properties

Property Name Type Description maxStatements int The total number of statements that the pool should keep open. 0 (zero) indicates that caching of statements is disabled. initialPoolSize int The number of physical connections the pool should contain when it is created minPoolSize int The number of physical connections the pool should keep available at all times. 0 (zero) indicates that connections should be created as needed. maxPoolSize int The maximum number of physical connections that the pool should contain. 0 (zero) indicates no maximum size.
maxIdleTime int The number of seconds that a physical connection should remain unused in the pool before the connection is closed. 0 (zero) indicates no limit. propertyCycle int The interval, in seconds, that the pool should wait before enforcing the current policy defined by the values of the above connection pool properties

Like DataSource implementations, ConnectionPoolDataSource implementations must provide “getter” and “setter” methods for each property they support. These properties are typically initialized when the ConnectionPoolDataSource object is deployed.

CODE EXAMPLE illustratessetting properties in a vendor’s implementation of the ConnectionPoolDataSource interface.

VendorConnectionPoolDS vcp = new VendorConnectionPoolDS();

CODE EXAMPLE Setting connection pool configuration properties The properties set on a ConnectionPoolDataSource object apply to the PooledConnection objects that it creates. An application server managing a pool of PooledConnection objects uses these properties to determine how to manage its pool. ConnectionPoolDataSource configuration properties are not intended to be directly accessible by JDBC clients. Management tools that need to manipulate the properties of a ConnectionPoolDataSource implementation can access those properties using introspection.

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